Happy Anniversary 

 Short Film - 2025

Status: In Post-Production

By 8B8 Entertainment 

Happy Anniversary 

 As Alex attempts to move on with Alice, Aella's desperate struggle to salvage their past reveals a disturbing obsession. The story unfolds with dark secrets, a haunting exploration of love, obsession, and the thin line between passion and madness.

Director's Statement:

To be honest, the reason behind making this short film was a bit of a dare for myself. I usually stick to romantic films, but I wanted to shake things up and try my hand at horror—a genre that makes me sweat. Filming indoors is another bugbear of mine. Coming from a production design background, I get caught up in the details within those four walls, which can be a distraction. But this time, I decided to face the fear head-on and go beyond my comfort zone.

The story went through a bunch of changes over four months, more than 40 drafts to be precise- it was a writing challenge. I aimed to keep it under 10 minutes, refining the plot as much as possible. Originally, the idea was about how Alex collects roses from his ex-girlfriends, a sort of memory lane thing. But it took a darker turn, revealing Alex's sinister side, treating those roses as trophies from his victims. The idea for the mannequin came from a previous project where I planned to build a statue but never got around to it. The mannequin was my way of scratching that itch and adding to the story.

Setting it in the 1970s wasn't part of the plan but ended up being a cool coincidence. In my first-ever short film, 'Love Yourself First 2023,' there's a book about American cinema in the 1970s. It wasn't intentional, but that little detail stuck in my head, and I thought, why not make it an Easter egg in this film?

In the end, everything clicked. 'Happy Anniversary' turned out to be a proud challenge for me. It not only pushed my directing skills but also helped me overcome my fears in filmmaking. The film's got a synergy that I'm really proud of—unexpected depth and satisfaction in every frame. In the future, I would definitely try this genre again as it did tickle my senses and brain on set a-lot which doesn't happen too often. In the end, I am so so proud of the whole cast and crew for being amazing during the shoot! Cannot wait for you to see this short. 

Awards: N/A


 Alex and Aella navigate a tumultuous relationship marked by a painful separation on their anniversary. Alex, haunted by the past, attempts to move forward with a new love interest, Alice. However, Aella refuses to let go, stalking Alex as he attempts to rebuild his life.

As the story unfolds, Alex's eerie obsession with a mannequin and a red scarf intensifies. Aella's desperation to reclaim their love leads her to unsettling discoveries, revealing the darker depths of Alex's psyche. Aella's emotional turmoil escalates as she witnesses Alex's efforts to create a new life with Alice.

The narrative takes a sinister turn when Alex's twisted actions are exposed, leading to a shocking and tragic climax in the backyard. As Alice becomes a victim of Alex's distorted desires, Aella is left in shock, torn between her love for Alex and the horrifying reality of his actions.


Psychological Thriller with Suspense and Drama

The Cast:

Byron Donovan as Alex
Florence Caruana as Aella
Ieva Tamosiunaite as Alice

The Crew:

Writer and Director : Melfin Pereira 
Producer : Beksultan Tolomushev
Director of Photography : Marc Nickl 
Production Designer : Melfin Pereira
Prop Master : Katrina Jade Roberts
Sound Recordist : Donna Ann Cyril
Second Sound Recordist: Enrique Kisten
Sound Designer and Composer : Ned Prevezer
Editor : Marc Nickl
1st Assistant Director : Enrique Kisten
Assistant Camera : Kurush N. Dhondy
Gaffer / Grip :  Qinglong Liu
Colourist : Marc Nickl

Shoot Date: 

16th - 17th November 2023

Completion Date:


Release Date:

31st October 2025

Social Media Presence : 
IMDb Instagram

Nominee :


Awards: N/A

Hero Image Photography

Behind The Scenes: