Melfin is a writer, director and production designer based in London. Originally from Goa, India, she combines different cultural influences in her work. She tells visually beautiful stories in her films, focusing on empowering women and sharing her own beliefs and experiences.

With a top-grade degree in film production, Melfin has the skills to turn her creative ideas into captivating movies. She's won awards at respected film festivals, proving her talent as a director.

Even though directing is her main goal, Melfin loves working on the artistic side too. She enjoys collaborating with new talents to make stories come to life.  Connecting with fellow artists like you would make her day! 💗

My Story:

Once upon a time in lively Goa, India, where art and culture danced together in a beautiful rhythm, I was born. Surrounded by a mix of traditions like dance, music, folk songs, visual arts, and folk tales, I fell in love with Tiatr (musical theatrical shows) from a young age.

However, life took an unexpected turn, and at the age of 10, I found myself in London. The vibrant cultural scene of Goa was replaced by grey clouds and freezing cold. The joy of watching Tiatr shows became a distant dream. Trying to fill the gap, I explored drawing and painting, but nothing spoke to me like the theatre did.

In middle school, I got into performing arts and appeared in musicals like Wicked, playing the role of Elphaba for a school performance and acting in a short film. Yet, acting and singing didn't feel like my true calling. I tried piano lessons but gave up, feeling lost. It wasn't until a media class allowed me to write a film that I rediscovered the passion that once burned in my heart.

During A-levels, I drifted away from creative pursuits in pursuit of a stable career. A year into this unfulfilling journey, I realised I couldn't deny my true self any longer. I dropped out and enrolled in a Creative Media diploma, rediscovering my love for storytelling.

Starting university for film production, I faced discouragement early on, being told I wasn't cut out to be a director. However, this setback fuelled personal growth. I spent three years exploring every aspect of film production, trying different roles within the crew. This journey made me appreciate each department and understand the collaborative effort needed to bring stories to life.

Despite finding success in production design, a role in which I excelled, my passion for writing and directing never waned. Determined to follow my heart, I embarked on creating short films, drawing inspiration from my life's experiences. Making short films filled a void I had felt for over a decade, and it brought me genuine happiness, knowing I had found my path. The screening of my first short film and music video, 'Love Yourself First' and 'Thread Of Fate,' at the Goa Short Film Festival in November 2023 was a proud moment. Attending the festival in Goa and seeing the work of other talented filmmakers on the big screen filled me with pride. Having my first film screened for the first time in my hometown was the greatest honour of my life. Standing on that stage, discussing my projects with the audience, I was certain that filmmaking was my true calling. It kept the childlike wonder within me alive, allowing me to experience life's joys with the same enthusiasm as I did in my youth.

Persisting with my passion, my short films now grace festivals, earning awards that acknowledge the collective effort of my dedicated team. The journey to becoming an award-winning director has been a testament to resilience, self-discovery, and the unwavering pursuit of a childhood dream. There it is, my story - a blend of cultural roots, personal growth, and the persistent pursuit of creative fulfilment.