
Music Video (VR) - 2024

Status: In Post-Production

University For The Creative Arts

My Work (Art Dept Assistant) : 

I jumped into the role of an art department assistant for this virtual production, even though I'd never done anything like it before. My previous projects were small, usually with just a few people in the art department. But this production was much bigger for me.

I only worked during the pre-production and preparation time because I had an incident while traveling and couldn't make it for the actual shoot. During the preparation stage, I learned how to work with materials in a way I hadn't done before. My job was to make old-looking art pages out of plain paper. We didn't have the right materials to age the paper, so I came up with the idea to use coffee from the café. I rinsed the paper with water after using the coffee and then dipped all the pages into the coffee water. I dried them by scrunching them up to make them look really old. After that, I had to draw as fast as I could to make lots of pages. This part was the hardest because I wasn't used to drawing so quickly or coming up with ideas so fast.

Then, I had to build a cactus, which was something completely new for me. We made it out of cardboard, folding it thinly to get the shape we wanted. We used a filer to smooth out the edges and sanding to make them even smoother. Painting it was tough because I had to get different shades, like a real cactus, with the darkest parts where it stores water.

Even though it was challenging, I learned a lot from this project about crafting things from scratch. Overall, it was a really interesting experience that helped me grow in the art department.

The Cast:


The Crew:

Art Department Assistant : Melfin Pereira✌️

Shoot Date: 

2nd - 9th September 2023 (Pre Production - 11th - 16th August 2023)

Completion Date:


Release Date:


Behind The Scenes: